Jay and Beth, a married couple, take a celebratory camping trip a year after Beth’s cancer remission, who find themselves trapped between a wild madman and a skin stealing monster....
A group of social media experts are hired to help an old family business to strive, by creating compelling stories about an old witch myth. But they soon find themselves stuck on a tiny island in a lake in which the ancient Swedish witch is said to live....
艾米(布里奇特·米拉 Brigitte Mira 饰)是一名60岁的清洁女工,辛苦工作的她拿着微薄的工资,生活很是清贫。机缘巧合之下,她结识了40岁的阿里(El Hedi ben Salem 饰),他们一起跳了一支舞后阿里提出送艾米回家。夜深了,阿里错过了末班车,只得在艾米家留宿。两个孤独寂寞的人相见恨晚,秉烛夜谈,当艾米为此感到深深的疑虑时,阿里只是淡淡的安慰了她。果不其然,艾米留宿男人的事情很快传遍了大街小巷,邻居同事的指指戳戳教她如坐针毡,无奈的她只得编撰了一个谎言,她说阿里是她的未婚夫。这门婚事毫不意外的遭到了所有人的反对,大家尽己所能的排挤、诋毁这对夫妻,这使得他们决定外出旅行避避风头。回来后两人的境遇有所好转,并不是街坊邻居接纳了他们,而是因为他们有了新的排挤对象。没有了外界的压力,艾米和阿里的感情却又因为内部的矛盾而产生了裂痕。...